Thursday, April 9, 2015

8 April 2015 - Okinawa World!

8 April 2015

Okinawa World!

Today was the day we would be going to see Okinawa World, which is a cool theme park with a large underground cave, a kingdom village and a Habu snake museum. I had my usual morning coffee and then I had a small amount of cheerios for breakfast.

We left at 0830 to pick up some friends who would be joining us for Okinawa World. We arrived at Okinawa World at 0952 after a beautiful scenic drive through Southern Okinawa. 

Arriving at Okinawa world was an experience. As we got of our cars in the parking lot, funky Okinawan music blared from the speakers. The park was an incredible experience.

Our first stop after seeing the turtles and Habu snakes on display, was to see the dancing show in the Eise Plaza. It featured two sanchin players, two drummers and some actors with face masks. The Okinawan music and dance was extremely captivating and enchanting! 

Our next stop was the underground caves which were incredible! They spanned the length of the park, and the stalagmites and stalactites were really awesome and amazing! It sure made you wonder if any Japanese soldiers hid here during the Battle for Okinawa!

After the underground caves we visited the Habu snake museum! It was fascinating to see the python snakes, and habu snakes! They are beautiful creatures! A little airplane trivia here, The SR-71 Blackbird's nickname by the Okinawans was "Habu" 

After the snake museum, we then got ice cream! I had the beni emo flavor, which is the Okinawan sweet potato! It is a purple color! It is very delicious! We then left the park and had lunch with the gang in our cars. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich which was delicious! We also had salted potato plum chips which were absolutely delicious!

We then returned home after dropping off our friends and exchanging farewells, and had a delicious dinner. I was tired so I went to bed early! It was the end of another awesome day on Okinawa!

Sent from my iPhone

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